
Don't know how to consistently Generate Leads and Appointments from LinkedIn®? WE DO! Plus, we do it for YOU...or teach your team how.

Warm leads AND appointments using LinkedIn®, the top social network for lead generation!

All Done for YOU

We do the LinkedIn® marketing for you – instead of training you to do it or expecting you to learn how to do it. YOU don’t have to spend hours each day marketing on LinkedIn® – we do the marketing. You spend more time SELLING to real leads, warm leads and appointments!

1800 Personalized Invites Per Month

Sent to your 2nd and 3rd level connections from your profile. Targeted. Visibility. You tell us who you want to target. Options include their function, title, seniority  level; years in position, years at current company, years of experience; current company, past company, company type, company head count; industries, profile language, schools, and geography – right down to their postal code. 

Up to 1200 Follow-Up Messages/Month

We send however many messages to  the people who have accepted your invite to connect on the 1st Level.  This is a personalized message including their first name. We get your input to construct a message about how you would like to engage them further.

Invitation Message Read Rate 70%

LinkedIn®‘s average rate of invite messages that are read is around 70%  – compare to e-mail at about 3% – you do the math! Now, you can grow your first level connections dramatically each month. These are REAL people where you can see their profiles – and they can see YOURS. These people WILL look at your profile when you ask them to connect!