Earworm Jingles
We use the world's #2 search engine, YouTube®, to plant unforgettable branded earworm jingles in your targeted customer's subconscious.
Affordable. Unique. Unforgettable.
Branding for local businesses!
- For LOCAL BUSINESSES (50-mile radius)
- Exclusivity
- We create affordable memorable Jingles (a subconscious Earworm) that your customer can’t forget!
Top of mind awareness – on steroids. - Delivered via Worlds #2 Search Engine,YouTube®
- We can even deliver about 85% of your unique branded Earworm Jingles for free. Ask us how!
Have you ever gotten a song lyric and melody stuck in your head and you can’t get rid of it?
It’s because of the right and left brain stimulus.
The right brain focuses on the melody while the left brain focuses on the melody.
The left brain focuses on the lyrics or “message.”
The result is that the message and melody are implanted into the subconscious so memory retention is AMPLIFIED.
How do we use this for advertising?
We develop a custom “earworm jingle” for a local business.
We modify a particular geographical location so only local devices are targeted (50 mile radius).
We pre-roll the earworm jingle before the video ad plays on platforms like YouTube® (the #2 search engine in the world). The “earworm jingle” plays before the ad and again after the video ad.
YouTube® only charges the advertiser if the video is played. With the earworm jingle, the advertiser’s brand and message is heard for FREE even if the video ad is skipped.
Earworm jingles are also effective on music streaming sites, internet radio, podcasts and sites like Pandora and Spotify.
Earworm Jingle in Action
Canton Termite & Pest Control became a local household name using an Earworm Jingle
that was pre-rolled on their video ad displayed on YouTube® videos.
3843 people watched the video ad (cost pennies per view) and another 12,000 people listened to the Earworm Jingle - for FREE!
Our Formula for a Successful Branded Internet Earworm Jingle
We incorporate your search terms for Google, your unique selling proposition and how to reach you.
Being in based Nashville aka Music City, USA we have the best song-writing talent in the country to develop your very own earworm jingle.